2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Thursday, November 23 2017

About 40 persons joined us for a community celebration of Thanksgiving. Several of them even prepared and delivered meals to eleven homes as far away as Rayle. A very nice event.

The following is Mary's summary of the event:

Thankful for a wonderful Thanksgiving Day

Sometimes it really does take a village. Certainly this was the case last Thursday afternoon when 51 people either stopped by No. 3 Railroad Street or called us looking for Thanksgiving Dinner! Whether this was a response to all of our recent coverage about parking issues or a reflection of just more folks who are either hungry, lonely, or just wanting to get out and socialize, it was nearly double our previous Thanksgiving Day record of 26. I almost panicked, but then the miracle happened. I was suddenly surrounded by people who wanted to help. Some donated money, others brought scrumptious side dishes they had baked. Scott Hyde came early to roast the turkeys and bake the ham. He stayed late to wash dishes and clean. Carolyn Thomas appeared and just knew what to do... then did it in the most wonderful way! She probably worked as hard as if she had cooked dinner herself. Margaret Pruitt recognized that carving needed to be done, and before we knew it she had a turkey or so and half a ham neatly sliced and served on a platter. Others were bustling about the kitchen, and by 2:35 we were ready to say grace and sit down to enjoy the bounties of the season.

A little later we took stock of those who had asked that meals be brought to them; eleven dinners had been requested. At this point I had passed the baton completely. Some combination of volunteers prepared the plates. Then Fern Morgan and Rick and Alice LaFleur set off to the hinterlands of Oglethorpe County to be sure no one went hungry! Before they got back, Joyce Bramblett had dropped by to entertain us with her music.

It was an amazing afternoon, and as the beautiful autumn sun dropped lower in the sky, I think I speak for all who participated as being exhausted, but very grateful for the opportunity to share this day.

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Photos of the Thanksgiving Dinner at No. 3 Railroad Street on November 23, 2017, by Glenn Galau © 2017. Visit the Photo Gallery for the complete set of images.

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Modified 27 November 2016 by Glenn Galau   |   Web Design by Glenn Galau

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