Girl Scout Troop 12309 will be meeting on the first and third Tuesdays of the month (with the exception of some holiday weeks) from 6:30-8:00 pm at No. 3 Railroad Street. The troop consists of 7th and 8th graders who are cadettes in the Girl Scouts. Most of the girls have been in Girl Scouts for nine years and are from Oglethorpe County. These girls have earned the Bronze Award, which is the highest award for junior Girl Scouts. Some of the girls are presently working on the Silver Award, which is the highest award for cadette Girl Scouts. The scouts take turns leading meetings and discovering educational topics to learn about and service projects to do. The troop leaders are Kelly Capers and DeLynda Tweedell.

Girl Scouts is open to all girls and we would love to recruit more for our troop. There are no limits on who may participate. Our troop, 12309, is for middle schoolers, but girls of any age may come to our meetings and we will introduce them to scouting and help them find an age appropriate group in our county. There is a place for everyone in Girl Scouts and we all fit in! There is an annual cost and the Girl Scouts provides help for girls unable to pay fees.

If you have any questions, please contact DeLynda at dtweedell at or 706-540-2473.

For over a century our mission has been: Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Almost 3 million girls and adult volunteers worldwide call themselves Girls Scouts and consider themselves sisters. The Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia is the birthplace of Girl Scouts and we are proud of that heritage. The Girl Scouts of Historic Georgia provides answers to all questions about scouting. Oglethorpe County scouting is strong and thriving and troop 12309 is pleased to be welcomed at No. 3 Railroad Street!

Modified 05 October 2016 by Glenn Galau   |   Web Design by Glenn Galau

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