Athens Area Shape Note Singing
February 26 2023, 10 am to 3 pm
Potluck Luncheon

Annual Athens Area Shape Note Singing

Come sing from shape note hymnals originally published in the 1800's by Georgia composers - The Social Harp by John G. McCurry of Hart County and The Sacred Harp by B.F. White of Hamilton. Potluck luncheon (dinner on the grounds). 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 706-769-8782. All are welcome.

If you have never heard Shape Note Singers... you are in for an incredible experience. This is a wonderful group of folks who spend many weekends a year singing just for the joy of it. This will be their annual meeting and they have invited us to come for a listen. I would remind anyone who would like to hear them to enter the back of the room quietly and be respectful of their space. If you would like to join in, I think it would be appropriate to first talk with Mike Spencer (or another of their members).

Modified 28 January 2023 by Glenn Galau   |   Web Design by Glenn Galau

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