Certain book lovers, led by a few creative members of the Friends of the Oglelthorpe County Library, decided they wanted to have a book club, but did not want the pressure of reading a book somebody else has decided for them. Here was one of several ideas for the function of such a group:

Anyone who would like to come should be here. If you want some nibbles, bring them. If you want to bring a book to talk about, please do (after all, that is supposed to be the general idea of the group). But, if you would rather just hear great ideas from others, enjoy a snack and be part of the fun ... that's fine, too.

"No-Pressure Book Group" was the provisional name and concept of the group choosen at the first meeting. But judging from the images taken at that event, seen below, one might doubt the seriousness of that decision.

Prior to its second meeting, we received a nomination for the name and intent of future monthly meetings of the No-Pressure Book Group. As decribed in more detail in the second meeting's Event Page, it was "A Novel Idea" and it will be of some interest, but not terribly important, if that name survived the second meeting. What happens in the Group will likely not change.

So ... What if you never had to read a book, or at least do something else with it? What if you could let dinner burn at home while in pleasant company here, and get credit for it? Here is your chance to help create and sustain a monthly meeting of book lovers and have an impact of what it will do.

A Novel Idea: The No-Pressure Book Group repeats on the third Thursday of every month.

Parking on site is limited. Overflow parking is across the street in the church parking lot
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Photos of the first meeting by Babs Armond (first four) and Mary Nouri (last two) © 2020. Visit the Photo Gallery for the complete set of images.

Modified 23 February 2020 by Glenn Galau   |   Web Design by Glenn Galau

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